
PyPDFlite is a simple PDF writer, written in Python, to help generate PDF files in your code.

No more messing with cursors, colors, and fonts for a simple report. Customize only when you need to, in Python!

  1. Intro
    1. Install
    2. Getting Started
    3. Further
    4. About
    5. Contact
  2. Writer
  3. Document Object
  4. Cursor Object
  5. Color Object
  6. Tables
  7. Cell Formats


Install with pip

$ pip install pypdflite

Get from github

Checkout the github repository.

Getting Started

All you need installed is Python (2.7), and pypdflite, and you can get started making great reports. Here's a "Hello World" example. Just open a new file in your favorite text editor, and save it as "".

from pypdflite import PDFLite

def main():
    writer = PDFLite("hello.pdf")
    writer.set_information(title="Hello World!")
    document = writer.get_document()
    document.add_text("Hello World!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Then in your console, go to the folder with and run:

my_folder$ python

Your hello.pdf file will be generated!

Ready to Dive in further?

Browse the Documentation.

Authors and Contributors

I'm @katerina7479. I started programming in python to help me with my job, and ended up becoming a full-fledged software engineer! I do want to thank @johnlockwood, and the people at ShareRoot for their help and support!

Support or Contact

Having trouble with PyPDFlite?

It's still a work in progress, and there are frequent updates.


$ pip install -U pypdflite

Or, add an issue on github/issues.